Friday, May 30, 2008

All Systems "GO"

The baby is in position, repeat, the baby is in position ... (no sirens actually sounded - but it would be SO cool if they did!)

The sweet baby's head is so far down now, we can't even get even a "kind of" a profile ... 3-5 weeks until we meet him!!!

I'm sorting some music into new lists - one of which is for the labor bit. Beyond "Red Hooded Sweatshirt," I have come across a song that has me completely obsessed, stringing in a constant loop, and can only dare to dream that I had the nerve or some kind of confident labor humor, to add it to that playlist. Anyone? Anyone? omg - it's "Don't Touch Me" from the Space Ghost's Musical BBQue - Cartoon Network Band... :)
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That would be frickin' funny - no?

Yes - I see, it's time for a rest :)

ttyl *SherryQ*

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Missing Socks

I've already lost 3 of the sweet baby's socks :( One blue, one gray, and one with a little baseball on it ...

UGH! The emotions ...

Stupid laundry - stupid folding of the laundry


Socks have been found and returned to their pairs!!! :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

FMH Hospital Tour

He asked the little volunteer at the front desk if this was a "3-hour-tour." Correction - he sang it.
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You can see where this little trip was going - oui?

We had our hospital tour with FMH Wellness Center lady, Amy. Unfortunately, she is one of those sugary-sweet-if I just smile enough you'll be happy too... kind of people. Fortunately, she did give a very informative tour, answering everyone's questions honestly, with a good balance of what the nurses are able to accommodate, inclined to accommodate, willing to accommodate. This giant tummied librarian likes to know these kinds of parameters. It helps me judge how difficult or pleasant I can be prepared to be. I gots to know the lay of the land, so to speak :)

I feel well informed and prepared for this hospital experience - and almost ready!!! I'm still not to the point of desperately wanting the pregnancy to be over... but, I know that is coming.

Our doula visited on Sunday for a few lovely hours - and has much experience at FMH, which also helps with my feeling of being prepared. We talked more about my expectations of her, Octavio's expectations of the entire experience, and what to concentrate on over the next two weeks - when I will be at week 37! W O W :)

Octavio is now nesting and reading :
Cover Image

We are SO excited!!!!
ttyl until our next specialist visit on Wednesday! Hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend, and kept someone close to your heart xo *SherryQ*

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Confessions, an Update and Shopping list

I have two confessions:

Confession #1 - - - On April 18th, I ate a steak. Like a whole piece of it. Octavio grilled it up for me - skirt steak Puerto Rican style. And, I did not vomit or complain (too loudly). I am pretending like meat is medicine for the growing baby, and am trying to take it like a WOman. I did get a tummy ache later - maybe it was mental ... I tried to commit to eating the red bloody meats at least once a week, through breastfeeding. This resolution did not last ... but, I did eat hamburger (b-l-e-c-h, nevah again!) the other night at a cookout...

Confession #2 - - - Sometime during the week of May 5th, I gave up wearing my regular pants with a bella band, and wore a pair of full panel maternity pants. Yes, indeed, I did.

An update:
All of the rest, food, water seems to be helping the placental/amniotic fluid issues :) Even though I haven't gained any weight in the past two weeks... another visit next week will give us more information about the sweet BabyQ :)
Giant Tummy = Tiny Baby

Shopping List:
Other than the Ikea dresser and Glider that my mother is making arrangements for (THANKS, Mom!), this is what we are shopping for this weekend ...
*KangarooKorner adjustable cotton pouch
*Sophie the Giraffe
*Baby Bjorn
*Nursing Bra Tops
*Diaper Bag - just haven't found the right one yet

Other than adjusting to not being at work so often - soon to be not at all - that's about all that's going on here - OH! WAIT... Look at one of the shelves that Octavio built for his sweet boy ...

I need a new camera, or more patience :)

ttyl *SherryQ* currently not able to stop the never ending "Red Hooded Sweatshirt" by Mr. A. Sandler from running through my mushy mind ... 'zup?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Where a Spontaneous Energetic Cow Parade is Reverently Observed ...

Hello :)
I believe that the baby is still growing - I know that for sure, I am still growing!

enter exhibit A: "the downward spiral shot"

Whilst sitting on the couch (which I am NOT supposed to do - its either prone on the left side or in a supportive chair), I happened upon this vista, and the melonishness of it all caught me in my funny bone = a photo must be taken! :)

That's my only photo to share as of right now. My camera battery died - again. I can only get about 3 pictures taken before the darned thing just tires out no matter how much I recharge it. Get a new battery, you say? Or a new camera, you say? Yes, I hear those voices too - just haven't been irritated enough to actually do anything yet - but will with baby on the way :)

Lack of camera attention caused me to miss being able to take a photo of my reverent (read - half asleep after lunch) observation of the cutest spontaneous cow parade on my ride home from work this afternoon (no worries - Octavio was driving). I added "energetic" to the description as well - because they were prancing up and down in the happiest fashion around the tip of a little curvy hill on their way to something that must have been very exciting ... an afternoon party of sorts, perhaps? Well, that's how it happened in my world - and if I could have taken a photo, I could have shared evidence... bygones ... but I couldn't resist the blog title, so now you know the rest of the story :)

I need to attend to the camera issue asap so that I can share the progress of the nursery - complete with shelves and stuff on shelves! I would also like to post some photos of the cute presies BabyQ has received from all of your generosity!

BTW - you read and hear about how the pregnancy hormones make the ladies all crazy and stuff - and now I know it is true! I recognize it, but I can't stop it! I feel like I am either smiling or sleeping all of the time... I am forgetting things and I trip over - over - over - nothing. I just trip :P Freakish, ain't it ... ? The poor dog is beside himself wondering what invisible things he is missing that I am tripping over.

ttyl - more on Wed or Th after more Dr. visits, unless by some miracle I remedy the camera issue :) *SherryQ*

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Perinatal Specialist visit

Howdy All :)
I visited the perinatal specialist again this morning - and as of last week, we were encouraged with the baby's growth (still very small, but growing, except for his tummy), but we were still moved to weekly visits because of the small measurements.

This week, he had some slight growth, but unfortunately, not in the stomach at all, and my amniotic fluid is quite low even compared to last week - indicating that the placenta is quickly going to stop being able to nourish the baby at all. I have been given signs of what to look for, and they are willing to let me wait another week for a return visit (unless something creeps up) - after which I'll be monitored for these changes twice a a week until the baby arrives.

No pictures this week at all - just information :(

So we are now at the point where I am needing to work no more than 3 days/week and no more than 4 hours/day in a sitting/desk position (I'm antsy just writing this down!).

We also discovered this morning that this
Sweet Baby LOVES the acai blueberry/pomegranate juice!

I'll find some pictures to post - soooooooon :) xo *SherryQ*

Monday, May 12, 2008

Baby Shower news


Thank you to everyone!!!
We keep wondering how we ended up being so lucky to know all of you :)

more later - because for now all I can say is a humble, "Thank you!"

xo *SherryQ*

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Dr visits ...

Bonjour mes Amigos y Familia :)
We went to see the Perinatal Specialist yesterday. He is adorable in his crazy Dr. geekness :) No Dr. coat for him, but rather a dark blue plaid short sleeved shirt with something in his little shirt pocket! J'adore...
Placenta is fine
Fluid is fine
Baby is growing
(still small, but growing)
Baby's stomach is quite small
I have to eat 6 meals/day in addition to my Ensures

This will be an interesting study into exactly how GInormous Sherry can actually get :)

Today's visit was with our OB/GYN - she's young and giggly and fun to see :)
Glucose levels are well within "normal" range
Blood pressure is fine
Proteins are super
I've gained a total of 17lbs!!!
Baby's heartbeat is beating well :) :) :)
The Dr. was very kind, enthusiastic and respectful of our birthing wishes :)
(I hope that she is the one "on call" when our time has arrived)

Where are the baby photos???? Well, all we could get this visit, because this sweet baby is head down, face towards my spine, with his sweet shy arm crossing over his face - is a photo showing a blurry fuzz of fuzz. They were able to get another boy bits shot - but, I shall respectfully decline to post it here on behalf of the modest baby. We're in every week now for the visuals (because of the size and stomach concerns), so hopefully we'll have something to post next week ...

I wish you all well out there - and will see some of you this weekend :) xoxoxo *SherryQ*

oh yes - a sweet little sheep from the MD sheep and wool festival last weekend ...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Not for All to Read ...

And by this I mean that if you are delicate of nature (or believe that I am), then please stop NOW, because especially if you think that I am delicate of nature, I would like to maintain that image with you for as long as I am able to ...

For the rest of you here is what is, unfortunately, on my mind... there are two, they are big, rounded, hanging, sweaty, and on my mind constantly. The only term I can use to describe them are, "breasticles." Okay, so I'm missing one factor - the hair, but otherwise, seriously - anyone disagree? Who knew that I had the ability to grow even larger? I'm just sayin'. They are having a life of their own - and are making me tired. I relay this not as a complaint (the sweet baby is puddle jumping today) but rather as an obeservation and attempt to add to general vocabulary.

More later on the Sheep and Wool festival and a shopping trip to TJMaxx ... ttyl *SherryQ* xoxo

Friday, May 2, 2008

Rocker Seeker

Wanted: PUF (pregnant uncommon female) seeks one SCSG (slipcovered comfy swivel glider) with a SOtM (sweet ottoman to match). All leads should post here directly. Winning selection's post-er will be compensated!

*SherryQ* :) xoxo