Sunday, October 11, 2009

@ 15 Months (10.8.09)

15 Months?!!? 15 Months?!!!!! Seriously, how has it been 15 months since we went to the hospital to be induced (UGH!) and birth our sweet baboo puffin?!!?


Fuh reals.

We were unsuccessful at taking a good chair shot this month :(

So, we played on Gyffy co-co-pop instead :)

and then we went outside to explore stuff

Prima Tana spent the night with us this week while Uncle Corey was out of town and poor Aunt Sydney had a yucky illness :'( (she is a little better today)

We had spaghetti. Some of it even made it into his tummy...

Benjamin can feed himself!

Tana eats like a lady with her utensils!!!

Yesterday we went to Prima Tana's school for Fall Fun Day :) Benjamin wore his cute little monkey sweater suit... Is he going to sue me for these photos when he is up for the Surgeon of the Year award? Or do I just need to start his therapy savings now?

Momma! Stop trying to photograph me in this stupid chair!

Be the Monkey...with a little car

Momma loves me!

Yup, I look like a monkey going to a Fall Fun Day Festival

She bounces like Tigger!

She is too beautiful to stop the photographs!

Happy Fall, ya'll
bwyl *SherryQ* xo