What we did: Fried eggs breakfast, Octavio gave me some beautiful roses, left for the mall to curb some cabin fever, ended up at Paradise of Fun (uh - not what you're thinking, we went there with our sweet little mister!), and Barnes and Noble, followed by a turkey reuben on a rice wrap from the Common Market, and home to nap - for 20 minutes!
No joke. 20 Freakin' minutes was all he wrote yesterday. By 4 p.m. it was melt down central at this house until the little mister finally just tuckered out at 7:30 p.m. w-h-e-w What a day!
And how many times have we read these so far...
If you guessed, "a bazillion," you are probably getting close ;) Because Benjamin now loves to say, "bippo," for another one of his favorite youtube videos, courtesy of Big Papi... he LOVES reading the hippo book and all of the kissing (of course) and all of the, "I love you," 's from Todd Parr are a big hit as well ;)
Finally! And, finally able to be used....
Our new endeavor is to contain the puzzles pieces. I don't remember which blogger made puzzle bags a few months back, but I am SO copying them for these lovelies:
btw - I did not install the batteries for sound on the puzzles, and will not because I enjoy imagination and will resist, for as long as I am able to, the urge for battery supplied entertainment - in great opposition to my family and husband, but, please remember that I do have a reputation to protect - or is it project...? ;)
I think that the little Mister will get a kick out of the bags! :)
Any other ideas?
Keep warm and safe! The snow is starting to fall again...
bwyl *SherryQ* xo