Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sweet Benjamin ... :(

Sad and Teary Puffin...

Poor little puffin had such a difficult time relaxing after the exciting Election Day voting outing this morning... even Sophie the giraffe could not comfort this overwhelmed bitty boy.

*** I'm not supposed to call Benjamin a "puffin." I need to wait until the sweet Tana puffin tells me that it's okay to call Benjamin a puffin too. Right now, she is noy okay with that :)

We were SO AmeriCAN today :)

all votin' and stuffs

Big Papi and Benjamin go to vote

Mommy and sweet Benjamin go to vote too!
wet hair and all ;)
Can you tell that my photo is cropped so that I look even TALLER?
shhh... don't tell Karin!