Monday, April 28, 2008

Last Friday

Hola All :)

My sister-in-law, Sydney, is hostessing a shower for me!!! How fun :) Thank you, Sydney!

If you did not receive an e-vite, just post here and join us!

In other news - we continue to do well - as far as we know. The glucose test results have not been revealed to me just yet, so I am hoping for the best...

me as of last Friday (and I'm NOT in black!)

Can you see? Can you tell that my belly is trying SO hard to grow and grow and grow? Grow, grow, grow sweet baby! I am still feeling rolling acrobatics, a few puddly kicks, and soft punchy hiccups... so I assume that all is well ...

In ridiculous news - I am trying to finish an adult novel (as in books for grown folks - not "adult" adult - although ...). I hate to admit the title - it is truly silliness. But, it is a THICK book, and as I bid adieu to my life as not a mommy, I feel like I want to complete reading this stupid series I started years ago. It is good to have goals - eh? Oh yes, and I am FINALLY reading Nasty Bits - I adore him!!! No worries - I'll soon be back to the children's books :)

Unrelated to that - our lilac bush is blooming :)

The end of my sleepy, hormonal, and disjointed post... Octavio, his friend, Tom, and my brother, Corey, have been working on finishing the bookshelves for our sweet baby :) I'll take pictures and post asap :)

ttyl *SherryQ*

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stupid Glucose

We received the news today that I'll have to go back in for the stupid three hour glucose tolerance test. Stupid Glucose. Stupid, stupid, dumb head glucose, dummy dumb dumb, stupid.

I feel better now :)

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These are the things happening in my yard today ... The berry bushes are preparing to burst out sweet little tasty red berries, the giant bumble bees are dancing about, making everything fertile, and the lilac bush has just begun to open up... yum!

Confession - I am not clever enough to photograph giant bumble bees. I tried stalking them for about 30 minutes, and all they did was protest wherever I wandered and buzz dive my head. So I borrowed this one from an educational website.

Happy Spring! ttfn *SherryQ*

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Two-Three more weeks!

Me today...
I tend to go a little monochromatic, since the aversion to giant swirly circles, pastel stripes, or, "Somethin's Cookin'," shirts is something I am unable to overcome.

This morning we visited with Dr. Broth - and he proclaimed that the news is the best we could have expected! So I've been given a 2-3 week reprieve on concluding my full-time Children's Dept. Supervisor position at my cute little library!!!

The baby is growing (still measuring quite small, but growing) :)

We both continue to be healthy (still waiting for the glucose test results) :)

We must continue with the proteins and shakes and avoid unnecessary activities :|

Our goal now is to make it to at least 37 weeks (we are at 29) ! :)

Wahooooooey :)

About the photos ... the baby is not only small, but slightly shy and polite. No kicking or bumping at the Dr. or little student stenographer** this sweet baby just slowly glides away from them with a nod of, "no, thank you," and proceeds on his merry way to an undisclosed location.

End result = another arrowed photo with confirmation that he is indeed a boy (what is it with the fixation and giant white arrow???!?), and one bottom of the foot shot - sorry! Hopefully we'll have something better next time.

In the meantime, please enjoy these happy photos:

Octavio chooses clothes for the baby (and so did Abuela!)
Octavio assembled the Amby - with the help of a little Lama from sweet Tana!
ttfn! *SherryQ* xoxo

** no one has corrected me here! She is a Sonographer - leaving the stenographer-ing to Stenographer Fred - does anyone remember stenographer Fred from Science Court/ Squigglevision? I can only find Dr. Katz Squigglevisions on YouTube - where is my beloved Science Court?!!?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Regular Grind

Today we visited the regular OB/GYN and saw CRNP Mossberg :)

My blood pressure = great!

Baby's heartbeat = great!

Measurements (external) = great!

Weight gain = great! I have gained a total of 7 lbs!!!!!
Ensure and protein, Ensure and protein ...

Giant Fibroid = still giant (ugh!)

Next week is when we will be visiting the specialist who will camera the baby all up and talk about r-e-s-t ... I'll keep you posted!

ttfn *SherryQ*

Monday, April 7, 2008

To work or not to work, that is the question

that I answered :)

Octavio and I decided that I will not be returning to my full time position at my cute library - scary but, yeah!

Happy flowers :)

Once we went through the expense of work full-time (day care, eating out for lunch and dinner and other food costs since this will be done on the run, cleaning help, the anti-anxiety therapy bills I anticipate accruing from the stress of leaving the baby, along with regular massages etc.), it turns out I would be using some of his salary just to stay employed (an indication of how much a Master-degreed librarian makes, or the cost of my own craziness - eh?).

My plan was to work until I delivered - but (see previous posts), it looks like this growing baby and the Dr. might have other ideas. We have an appt. Wednesday morning with the regular OB/GYN and then the specialist on April 16th - and hope to know more then.

In the meantime:
YES, I am still wearing my pants with a bella band, but am eating everything that I am supposed to be eating (including the old folkey Ensures).
YES, I seriously registered for a million outfits for the sweet baby.
YES, I am obviously open to registry feedback (please).
YES, I continue to mostly feel well - the swelling that started with the October issues (hello fibroid!) are beginning to make their presence known, so some lower abdomen and lower back pain have settled in for the haul (I laugh in their faces - until I am begging for meds)

Well wishes to all :)

ttfn *SherryQ*

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Proteins Galore :)

Just a quick note to share that I have been eating between 86-110 grams of protein each day!

This is how I feel about that:
Chicken, pork, eggs, nuts, cottage cheese, yogurt, quinoa, tembleque, and, of course, 2 Ensures each day - woo hoo!

Hope all is well out there with you all!

ttfn *SherryQ*

Oh! I registered at Target too ...
woo hoo