Friday, March 28, 2008

And then there was drama ...

Greetings, Anonymous Reader!

Many of you have heard by now that Octavio's surgery went well on Thursday to remove a growing tumor from the left side of his neck, and we were all home by about 4 p.m. The surgeon continues to be 90% confident that the tumor is benign, and will confirm this with the pathology report. Poor sweet Octavio has to sit around at home until we go for his post-op visit on Monday, with a big bandage and tape etc. wrapped all around his head - think "deranged nun" look - but, he is handling it well and not in much discomfort. Before the surgery, Octavio had the most fun talking about his "toomah" ala a certain CA Govahnaytah, and that he would be like "Scarface" after the surgery. Yuck. What's wrong with boys?

Tio and Tana this past September... before the drama begins ...

We did have a baby appointment on Wednesday, with the perinatal specialists (we go to a regular OB/GYN as well), and received some concerning news - not tragic, just concerning. The baby's head and stomach are measuring small - small enough that we are at a low threshold for concern, and have to call the moment we feel anything might be unusual (whatever that means), and we'll have only 2 weeks in between appts (3 for the specialist).


The Dr. did say that this could mean a number of things, but to be on the safe side, I have to dramatically increase my caloric intake (I've only gained 3 pounds and am at 27 weeks) with a focus on proteins, cease all unnecessary activities, and let my work know that there is potential that I will be on bedrest, or they will have to deliver the baby after the April 10th or April 16th appts.

A self portrait from today ...

So, we ordered the car seat and crazy expensive stroller (we might return that since it was ordered under emotional distress) yesterday - and will begin actual baby purchasing (you know, diapers, clothes, and like stuff for babies other than books and shelves...).

I feel well - and full - with a kicking baby - and growing, and haven't been more than slightly concerned about the lack of weight gain, since I started out with extra weight on me, and I know plenty of similar women that actually lost weight or stayed the same weight for their pregnancies. But, the measurements are what they are, and I'll be doing my best to follow the Dr.'s instructions. He did also say that this could be a genetic issue, in which case increasing proteins and lessening activities won't make a difference, but it won't hurt to try whatever we can to have a healthy baby.

There's a possibility that the baby is just going to measure small too - but since it hasn't been measuring small until this last appt, we won't know that until we go back. Octavio's solution is for me to eat hot dogs and red meat every hour on the hour ... yeah, that's not going to happen ... but, I am on 2 Ensures each day, and am keeping better track of my intake (especially proteins). Since I'm a gluten/dairy free eater with an aversion to red meat - my diet hasn't been that bad - just not as high in proteins as it could be.

Having my mother-in-law here has been nice and comforting - yesterday at the hospital and today cooking up a storm (yum!) - tembleque, pork empanadas (yes, I eat pork - yum), lentils ... yeah for moms!

***empanadas* * * * * *lentils* * * * * *tembleque***
Tembleque - 2nd helping

We'll keep you posted on the mysterious BabyQ :)

ttfn *SherryQ*