Saturday, May 30, 2009

Benjamin receives visitors :)

This past month Benjamin turned 10 months old, and received visits from Granny, GDad, the younger McCoys, the Hess family, AND the Gelhaus family of Ohio! Ms. Robyn and her handsome Red Sox fan beau, Michael, also joined in the fun! Don't tell Benjamin, Robyn and Michael may have also stopped over to see the Gehaus family :) Even though I was exhausted for some unexplained reason, it was lovely to see everyone! My mother and my husband really stepped up to the plate with all of the food (THANK YOU!) We enjoyed a Mexican fiesta evening with tasty treats - but I forgot to put on the music, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, which would have made the evening even more fun...

Benjamin enjoyed Prima Zoe and Prima Tana's visit!

Sleepy Benjamin is thinking a lot.

Prima Tana and Prima Zoe wore pretty dresses to Beans in the Belfrey with their Mommies and their sweet Granny!

Jack Gelhaus knows all kinds of tricky tricks like walking, running, growing awesome teeth... Benjamin was in awe, and a little bit perplexed!

Our little non-API (but all meeting through and communicating through API) baby playgroup met at Benjamin's house this month! How fun!!! My theory was that if we hosted the group, then I knew we would make it - and be on time... I didn't count on Benjamin deciding to fall asleep about 10 minutes before everyone arrived, and then to sleep soundly through 2/3 of the playgroup ... wouldn't you know it!?! Oh well... we're going to host again in June, maybe he'll stay awake for some of it then :)