Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Benjamin's first trip to a Smithsonian!

(photos are Big Papi, Benjamin, Uncle Corey, Aunt Sydney and Prima Tana)

My friend from down the street while I was growing up, Joan, brought her two children, Spencer, 10, and Sydney, 8, to visit D.C., and stayed with us for a few days.

Since we missed going with the Neziri's, Abuela, Abuelo, Big Papi, and Tio Tony, we used their visit as an excuse to get off of our behinds and take little Mister Benjamin to a Smithsonian, and ended up at the Natural History Smithsonian for the day.

It was H O FREAKIN' T - seriously the hottest day of the summer, but the museum was fun and Benjamin enjoyed himself very much (as long as we were holding him).

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