Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More October...

Sorry... Benjamin is ill and not sleeping well and I am tired and here are some photos and a short motiony bit...

No, no... we don't ride on the doggie! & Benjamin in his Bumbo!

Benjamin shares his toy with Forest & Benjamin in his cooooool stroller (finally!)

Benjamin in his super 'B' coat and stylin' beret

The sweet baby Benjamin in Motion... the day before he fell ill...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fun October

We were so excited to be invited to sweet Tana's new school for her Fall Festival last weekend!
Prima Tana, Benjamin, and Aunt Sydney

Forest invited Benjamin to play outside today!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Benjamin loves his Bumbo from Uncle Tom :)

Hee hee - this is a silly baby who thinks that he is tricking us into believing that he is able to cook and read now that he has the freedom of the
magic B U M B O


apologies for the grainy-ness...
and, I do not know what "sturies" are either

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Day!

Today we went to Jumbo's Pumpkin Patch to see Tana pick out her pumpkin and ride a horse!


Benjamin slept through it all all tucked into his Moby wrap...
maybe we'll get better action shots next year :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Benjamin and his Buddy

Forest and Benjamin just hangin'

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Three Months Old!

WOWeeee! Can you believe it? Here he is, Benjamin @ 3 months...

and then
Benjamin had a costume change because, well,
something happened that he does not want me to mention :)

* yummy cooking time!

And now ... Benjamin in motion on his tummy and cooking in the kitchen!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Benjamin shows off his Baby Legs!

Tee Heedle Hee :) Don't worry, I changed his diaper before we left on our adventure. He screamed in the car, but was a perfect flirty angel at the library...
